AI - Revolt or Revolution : An Insight Into What The Future Holds for our Wellbeing and Resilience

July 11, 2024
Nina Moyano - Life Coach London

AI - Revolt or Revolution

The old world, as we know it, is over. We're lab rats in uncharted waters, and we need to take control of our lives now to avoid sinking.

I don't mean to be sensationalist or hyperbolic, but the gravity of what's coming is too great to ignore.

This is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that we've had technology inflicted upon us, for better or worse. As an obvious example, take social media, a technology that initially felt like a medium that would bring our relationships closer together but has, in many ways, had the exact reverse effect. I'm as guilty as the next person of doomscrolling through reels of people we've never met, shared a conversation with, or fostered any real emotional relationship.

The same goes for smartphones, which have created unhealthy relationships and detachment from the real world for many families and individuals. Mental health issues are rising, and there can be little doubt of the negative role these technologies have played.

Every year, billions of pounds are pumped into these technologies to get you hooked; the more we consume, the more we earn.

You only have to look at major tech figures to get an understanding of how they controlled their own families' intake of technology:

  • Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, reportedly said about his children's use of the iPad: "They haven't used it." source
  • Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, implemented strict rules for his children's technology use. While there isn't a direct quote, it's reported that he and his wife Melinda didn't allow their children to have phones until they were 14 years old, and they set limits on screen time. source
  • Evan Spiegel, CEO of Snapchat, limits his children's screen time to 1.5 hours per week. He stated: "I think the more interesting conversation to have is really around the quality of that screen time." source

AI Changes the Game

It's hard to escape that adults spend an average of 30%-40% of their waking hours working, and that's where many of the major changes will be seen first.

  • A World Economic Forum report estimated that by 2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by AI and automation, while 97 million new roles may emerge.
  • Research from McKinsey suggests that up to 30% of hours worked globally could be automated by 2030. This shift is expected to transform job roles, with some tasks becoming automated while new roles and opportunities emerge in other areas. For instance, AI can take over repetitive tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their jobs.
  • In 2018, a report by PwC stated there would be "winners and losers" and broke down their predictions by industry sector. The BBC headline read, "AI will create as many jobs as it displaces." source

According to PwC, here's a breakdown of what we might anticipate:

  • Health Sector: AI will be a game changer in healthcare, promising a significant uptick in job opportunities. This is likely due to AI's ability to enhance diagnostics and patient care and streamline administrative tasks, complementing rather than replacing human expertise.
  • Scientific and Technical Services: This sector is also on the upswing, likely benefiting from AI in areas like research and development, innovative product design, and complex problem-solving that augment human capabilities.
  • Communications: Expect moderate growth here as AI improves how we manage data, communicate, and serve customers.
  • Education and Hospitality: Both sectors are set to see job growth, reflecting AI's potential to personalise education and boost service delivery in hospitality.
  • Manufacturing: This sector faces the steepest job declines, likely due to automation and robotics taking over many manual tasks.
  • Transportation and Storage: Significant reductions are expected here as well, possibly driven by autonomous vehicles and more efficient logistics solutions.
  • Public Administration and Defence: Also bracing for cuts, likely from the automation of routine administrative tasks.

What Does This Mean?

The landscape is changing, and it's a mixed bag. Sectors that rely heavily on interpersonal connections, creativity, and personal service might see growth as AI supports and enhances human roles. However, industries where tasks can be automated are facing significant reductions. This shift underscores the need for proactive strategies to help those impacted transition to new opportunities.

The Human Side

Reflecting on the sentiments expressed in comment sections, it's clear that the integration of AI and automation into the workforce sparks a broad spectrum of concerns and hopes. Many individuals express a feeling of inevitability and fear concerning job security, highlighting the immediate personal and economic impacts of robotic replacements in industries like manufacturing and customer service.

These public discussions often reveal a deeper, collective anxiety about the pace of technological change outstripping our societal and economic adaptations. Suggestions like implementing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) indicate a search for systemic solutions to buffer the disruptive effects of AI on employment.

Moreover, debates around the taxation of robots hint at shifting perspectives on wealth distribution and the role of corporations in a rapidly changing economic landscape. While some argue for the benefits of AI in driving efficiency and reducing human drudgery, others emphasise the risk of widening economic divides and increasing isolation and depersonalisation in services.

These discussions underscore the urgent need for thoughtful engagement with technology's role in society. They push for policies that not only address the immediate impacts of automation but also foster long-term resilience and opportunity for all individuals, ensuring that the benefits of AI advancements are broadly shared. Engaging with these human concerns is essential in navigating the future of work and societal structure shaped by AI.

One certainty with government is that policy often trails behind technological advances, highlighting the need for us, as individuals, to proactively cultivate our own resilience and adaptability to navigate these evolving landscapes without falling behind. Our goal must always be safeguarding our wellbeing and happiness, especially in a rapidly changing world.

The Emotional and Psychological Landscape of AI Adoption

AI technologies aren't merely tools; they hold significant implications for our emotional and psychological well-being. Research indicates a range of emotional responses to AI, from anticipation of technological convenience to anxieties surrounding privacy and autonomy. It's essential to address these concerns by fostering open discussions and developing supportive measures. By creating an environment where individuals feel heard and supported, we can navigate the psychological impacts of AI more effectively (Pew Research Center, 2019). A study by Stanford University (2021) reveals that AI-driven personal assistants discreetly influence human decision-making, shaping preferences and behaviours in ways users may not consciously realise. This underscores the psychological depth of our interactions with AI.

Conclusion: Embracing the AI Revolution with Humanity and Resilience

As we stand on the precipice of an AI-driven era, the enormity of change can feel overwhelming. The integration of AI into our daily lives and workplaces is not a distant future but a present reality, reshaping our world at an unprecedented pace. This transformation is both a challenge and an opportunity, demanding that we, as individuals and as a society, adapt with resilience, creativity, and a commitment to our collective well-being.

The impact of AI on our jobs, relationships, and personal identities is profound, but it also presents unique opportunities. It disrupts traditional roles and creates new pathways, asking us to continuously evolve. This evolution involves not only acquiring new skills but also nurturing our emotional and psychological resilience. By embracing these changes with a positive and proactive mindset, we can leverage AI to enhance our quality of life and work. The stories of those who have navigated these changes remind us of the power of adaptability and the human spirit's capacity to grow amidst uncertainty.

In our workplaces, AI promises efficiency and innovation, yet it also brings the fear of obsolescence. We must embrace lifelong learning and remain open to new opportunities. As we do, we must also advocate for policies that support workers through these transitions, ensuring that the benefits of AI are shared equitably.

On a societal level, the ethical use of AI is paramount. On a societal level, the ethical use of AI is paramount. The decisions we make today about AI's role in our lives will shape our future. Ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI development and deployment is crucial to building trust and ensuring that the benefits of AI are equitably distributed across all segments of society. We must demand transparency, fairness, and accountability from those who develop and deploy these technologies. This is not merely a technical challenge but a moral imperative.

Amidst these shifts, it is crucial to safeguard our well-being and happiness. As we integrate AI into our lives, we must strive to maintain meaningful human connections and cultivate a balanced approach to technology. Let us remember that AI, while powerful, is a tool designed to serve humanity, not replace it.

In this rapidly changing world, let us embrace the AI revolution with a spirit of curiosity and hope. By proactively engaging with AI, we can harness its potential to enhance our lives while preserving the values that define our humanity. Together, we can navigate this new landscape, fostering a future where technology and human flourishing go hand in hand.

At Life Coach London, we understand that navigating these changes can be daunting. That's why we're here to support you in developing the resilience and adaptability needed to thrive in this new era. Our team of dedicated coaches is committed to helping you harness your potential, embrace change, and maintain your well-being amidst the AI revolution. Let's shape the future together, ensuring that technology serves as a catalyst for growth, connection, and a brighter, more fulfilling life.